Friday, April 25, 2014

Drusilla Parker's Family Record Book

Daniel Parker was the 12th child of Joshua  and Drusilla Parker. He married ( Annie)  Hannah Barbara Morris on 26 Oct 1887.  They  lived in Salt Lake City where Daniel worked as a teamster for several years. The couple had Daniel Delroy on Aug 19, 1888, Hannah Pearl 31 Aug 1890, Vernal Morris, 22 July 1892, Edna Cook, 25, May 1895, Louis Hartley, 14 Aug 1897, Melvin Whittle, 21 April 1900, Mildred Parker 28 April 1903 and Harold Parker 26 April 1906.

Daniel had in his possession at the time of his death in April 1970 the Parker family record book what was owned by his grandmother Drusilla Parker. At Daniel Delroys death his daughter Mary Louise Parker then had possession of the book until her death in 2003.
Daniel Delory (Del) Parker
Mary Louise Parker Lindman holding the Parker record book as Parker family cousin  Melanie Dewsnap looks on

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Joshua Parker Chronology by Robert Smith

Robert Smith started this project in 2003 in response to a newly found Parker cousin. This cousin, after hearing him say that Joshua isn't a descendant of the “New England” Parkers, asked “How do you know we don’t descend from Joshua Parker born 1740 in Massachusetts?”

Robert remembers the following..."Melanie Dewsnup, another Parker cousin, had asked the same question several years earlier, at that time I gathered together all the evidence I had to prove my statement to her. Afterwards, I filed it all away, so now I had to dig it all out again. I thought that if I put it all together in one paper then all I would have to do was e-mail or send it via snail mail, thereby saving lots of time.

This project, as a lot of mine do, found a way to migrate to the “back burner”. I’d open it up from time to time and add to it, correct it, but then I’d save it away and not touch it again for weeks, all without an idea as to when or how to finish it Although it was growing in length I saw no end to it.

Then in November of 2004, cousins Suzanne Hansen and Debbie Hadden told me of the “Parker DNA Project” and of Dr. Greg Parker. When I e-mailed Greg and mentioned this paper and he was interested in it. So I began working on it again and although it isn’t perfect, I hope it will serve the useful purpose of informing others about my / our progenitor, Joshua Parker. I have scanned most of the pertinent documents and embedded these scans directly into the text. I have also supplied my conclusions that you, the reader, are free to accept or reject.

I've decided to finalize this paper, convert it to a PDF format, and pass it on to those that may be interested, in the hope of stimulating others to further research our Parkers."

To read more download the booklet which is posted on scribid - enjoy!